DIY: Chevron Baby Taggie Tutorial (Part Two)

You have your two pieces of fabric pinned together? Let's get started.

You have your two pieces of fabric pinned together? Let’s get started.

After taking my first sewing class, I learned I was pinning my fabric the wrong way. Having the pin heads point outside of the fabric makes them easier to pull out.

I also added a few new tags to add some variety to the first pinning. Thats the cool thing about this…you can change your mind about ribbons and fabric until this stage.

Ok, thread your sewing machine with a matching thread. I used white.

Sew the first three sides all the way. On the forth side, stop sewing in the middle. Lock the stitch.  You need the hole so that you can turn the taggie inside out.

I cut a V shape out of each corner for smooth corners.

snip corners

Then, I turned my taggie inside out through the hole I left open. I used a chopstick to push out the corners.


Repin the open hole and tag.


Sew a topstitch around the entire square.


Voila! You will have a baby taggie that is cute for a gift basket or for your own baby at home.


DIY: Chevron Baby Taggie Tutorial (Part One)

Need some baby shower gift inspiration? Love to make handmade gifts? Try making a baby taggie for the new arrivals with materials you may already have in your craft room. Sensory play gifts are not only cute, educational for the baby as well.


Materials you will need:


  • Various ribbons (width, color & texture)
  • Two pieces of soft fabric (micro-fleece, minky, anti-pill fleece, soft cotton)
  • Sewing notions: fabric scissors, pins, gridded cutting mat, rotary cutter


Cut fabric in 14 X 14 squares (if your remnant isn’t 14 inches…improvise!) I bought my fabric from the remnant bin at Joann Fabric for 50% off. All the ribbons are from my craft collection at home.

5 inch ribbon

Cut your ribbons to five inches each. Fold them in half.

Pin ribbons around one of the pieces of your fabric.


Top the ribbon fabric with the second piece (make sure the side you want shown is on the inside). Secure it together with pins. You are going to flip this inside out after it is sewn together. Make sure you have it pinned the right way.

Part Two of this tutorial will be how to sew it together. I am taking a sewing class at Joann Fabric tomorrow. It is as simple as sewing a square! Until tomorrow…